Delia Nagy
Certified Level 2 QHHT

There are no limitations unless you create them yourselves. Anything is possible.
You are only limited by your own imagination. If you are powerful enough to make yourself sick,
then you are powerful enough to heal yourself.
Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon created the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) 50 years ago. She developed a natural unique method to regress individuals to a somnambulistic level and guide them into a past life, The Subconscious (SC), selected for them to see. Dolores discovered the connection between spiritual realms that we live throughout our lives. Through her amazing work, she also uncovered an important foundation to our understanding that is a bridge between physical world and the deeper spiritual Realms that we live through our lives.

Multiple past life can be explored with QHHT to uncover the endless layers of the soul’s journey, revealing the profound and mystical connection between each of us. The past life, the SC/Higher Self, selected for the individual to see is always the most relevant to their questions and issues, so they can discover lessons, karmic ties, and recurring issues that they might experience in their present life.

Dolores Cannon

The Subconscious, Higher Self, Source, God, or Universe, whatever you want to call it, understands all the situations that an individual might have regarding this life or other past lives because it is part of the Soul’s individual. It’s the gut and premonition feeling that most people ignore. By receiving answers to the questions that a person has during a QHHT session will create healing and will uncover the root causes of both mental and physical illnesses, phobias, and/or addictions the person might have in this life, etc.

QHHT is an amazing healing modality of the mind, body, and soul. The healing can occur only if an individual wants to be cured and cannot affect their lessons of their present life or the contracts they agreed to learn before incarnating. We are eternal souls who come to planet Earth to learn lessons and evolve through our individual experiences.

There are no guarantees, but these are some of the remarkable results Dolores Cannon and her QHHT Practitioners alike have experienced with clients during a session:

  • Cancer, various types at various stages cured
  • Cartilage-reconstruction between joints
  • HIV-cleared and eradicated
  • Heart-healed with no surgery required
  • Liver-fully functional regeneration and restoration
  • Kidney-fully functional regeneration and restoration
  • Wounds-regeneration with no scarring
  • Migraines-root causes explained and removed
  • Vision-20/20 eyesight restored with no need for corrective vision
  • Diabetes-causes explained and cleared
  • Intestines-conditions cleared
  • Back-middle and lower area problems cleared
  • Neck/shoulder-pain identified, and causes cleared
  • Lungs-problems identified and cleared
  • Skin-problems identified and cleared

The body heals by itself once the root of the problems has been found and understood. It is important that the client wants to have this experience, to have an open mind, to have no attachments to the outcome, to relax, and to trust the process and their Subconscious/Higher Self. The practitioner is just an assistant, who gently guides the client through this process. The client is the HEALER. You are healing yourself through your power, your Higher Self, so your cooperation is an important part of the session.  You are very powerful! You are much more than you think you are! You are much more than a physical body! With much love!